Album cover

Man of Ashes

109 mins


In the ensuing days before his wedding bridegroom Hachemi faces both the anxieties of the future and the shadows of the past. His best friend, Farfat, is the topic of street graffiti and local gossip, which calls his manhood into question. This ripples out to affect Hachemi for, unbeknownst to anyone, as apprenticed youths they were molested by Ameur, the local carpenter. Farfat is banished from his father's home and the shared secret between the two friends threatens to undo more than just the wedding, but their very lives.


Imed Maalal
Khaled Ksouri
Mustapha Adouani
Mouna Noureddine
Yacoub Bchiri
Wassila Chaouki
Mohamed Dhrif
Sonia Mansour


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