Album cover

After the Truth

128 mins


The famous Nazi-Doctor Dr. Josef Mengele - the "death angel of Auschwitz", who killed more than 300.000 people - comes back from his hide out in Argentina to Germany as a 87 year old man. He must stand up in front of a court for his crimes. The young solicitor Peter Rohm has to defend him. But Peter Rohm - himself an expert on Josef Mengele and his crimes - feels unable to do this. When he decides to take on the case he endangers not only the relationship to his wife but also their lifes. A fictional story around the non-fictional person of Josef Mengele who died in 1979.


Götz George
Kai Wiesinger
Karoline Eichhorn
Doris Schade
Hans Peter Hallwachs
Traugott Buhre
Stephan Schwartz
Wolfgang Dehler


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