Album cover

The Silence

97 mins


Late at night on a local train in Mumbai, young Chini witnesses a woman being sexually abused. This experience forces her to face up to demons from her past. Based on a true story, the narrative revolves around a little girl growing up in poverty with her father in a rural area. When he’s unable to manage caring for her himself, he sends Chini to her uncle in a nearby town, where life-changing events occur. Blending past and present and with forceful drama, the film tackles crucial, taboo topics, tracing the recurring question of responsibility – or silence.


Nagraj Popatrao Manjule
Anjali Patil
Kadambari Kadam
Mugdha Chaphekar
Vedashree Mahajan
Suresh Vishkawarma
Mihiresh Joshi
Raghubir Yadav


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