Album cover

Viva Rena

82 mins


Rena, a decadent folk singer from Corfu, lives in Athens with her bouzouki musician brother Stratos, while her cousin Pepita di Corfu, is a major prima donna of popular tunes and lives in Rome with her fiancé Antonio. The shipowner Lampros Fokas, who had met Pepita years ago in Naples, invites her to a reception. She is unable to go, but a foxy agent presents Rena in her place. At first, the ruse is successful, and Fokas is charmed by Pepita-Rena. The things are getting complicated, however, when Pepita comes to Greece on vacation.


Rena Vlahopoulou
Labros Konstadaras
Nikos Rizos
Andreas Barkoulis
Dimitris Nikolaidis
Nasos Kedrakas
Nikos Fermas
Ria Deloutsi


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