Album cover

Fuck Up

100 mins


Jack is pleased with himself for the first time in years. He has decided to stop fucking anything with a pulse and also to cut back on his eager and enthusiastic drug use. Then his best friend crashes into a moose in the middle of the night on the Swedish border. He is found with a hoof buried in his forehead and 2.5 kilos of cocaine in the trunk. Over the next 24 hours, Jack loses his house, his girlfriend leaves him and takes their daughter with her. And as he is about to find out: when you think you have hit rock bottom, it can always get worse.


Jon Øigarden
Tuva Novotny
Anders Baasmo Christiansen
Atle Antonsen
Lennart Jähkel
Rebecka Hemse
Iben Hjejle
Doris Funcke


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