Episode 1

63 Mins

Appearances Are Deceiving

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Episode 2

42 Mins

The Chicken Has Flown the Coop

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Episode 3

42 Mins

I Am Goliath Strong

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Episode 4

42 Mins

Time to Bring About the Charmpocalypse

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Episode 5

42 Mins

Jackets and Eggs

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Episode 6

42 Mins

Aren't Brochachos Just Adorable?

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Episode 7

42 Mins

There's Gonna Be Tears Shed

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Episode 8

42 Mins

You Get What You Give

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Episode 9

42 Mins

Breadth-First Search

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Episode 10

85 Mins

Tribal Lines Are Blurred

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Episode 11

42 Mins

So Smart They're Dumb

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Episode 12

42 Mins

Are You Feeling Lucky?

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Episode 13

111 Mins

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

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Episode 14

19 Mins

Reunion Special

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