Episode 1

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy O great Lord Mitama Please purify us Please cleanse us Lord Mitama We beg for you to hear our prayer

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Episode 2

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy great Lord Mitama Beautiful is—

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Episode 3

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy O great Lord Mitama You who rule over all the hills of Takaamahara All our—

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Episode 4

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy O great Lord Mitama You have aaahhhhh—

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Episode 5

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy O great Lord Mitama You created all things—

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Episode 6

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy O great Lord Mitama

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Episode 7

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy O great Lord Mitama All living beings were born by—

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Episode 8

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy O great Lord Mitama Evil cannot touch

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Episode 9

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy O great Lord Mitama Your perfectly pur—

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Episode 10

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy O great Lord Mitama There is not a singl—

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Episode 11

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy O great Lord Mitama In the ancient tim—

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Episode 12

24 Mins

We know we are not worthy O great Lord Mitama On the throne—

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