Episode 1
Sam announces Dropout Gaming and sells his patented Adreno-Nut with accompaniment from Brian's soundboard.
Episode 2
The news team head to the county fair and investigate the world of rodeos.
Episode 3
Ruha explains why the Winter Olympics suck while Ally shows off their dunking skills.
Episode 4
The news team try to pull off a casino heist and it goes as well as you think it does.
Episode 5
Jeremy explains the history of daughters while Patrick has something urgent to say.
Episode 6
The news team show off their comedy skills and learn that Tao can't do a Mid-Atlantic accent.
Episode 7
Vic, Grant, and Raph explore Sam's newest business venture.
Episode 8
Grant gets to gush about his favorite game to Erika and Aabria while Ally reveals the dangers of it.
Episode 9
Raph commits slander against Reese Witherspoon while Jess interviews Tom Holland.
Episode 10
Amy does her best southwestern Mall of America accent while Erika munches on some hard boiled eggs.
Episode 11
Jordan puppets Lily's body while Jacob pours some champagne and Kendahl demonstrates rhumbarobics.
Episode 12
Oscar and Mano are getting married! Hopefully no dramatic interruptions derail the ceremony.
Episode 13
The news team head back to the 1960s and find out that the good old days weren’t that great.
Episode 14
Vic and Rashawn investigate the theft of some diamonds while Patrick eats pocket cheese.
Episode 15
Sam receives a relaxing facial from Grant while Trapp drinks an amazing smoothie.
Episode 16