The results of the sergeants exams are in, and W.P.C. June Ackland has passed - but P.C. Gary McCann hasn't. As the relief organise a big night out in celebration of Ackland's promotion, McCann volunteers for night shift duty with P.C. Reg Hollis. Ch. Supt. Brownlow offers to pull some strings at Area to allow Ackland to stay as Sun Hill rather than transferring. Ackland politely invites Brownlow to the pub, and is horrified when he accepts. When Brownlow finally heads home, Dave Quinnan calls several minicabs to go out for a late night curry, but June and Polly are seperated when their cab driver makes off with their bags and warrant cards after being pulled over by a Stafford Row probationer, P.C. Oliver Oxley. Oxley is about to arrest them until the Stafford Row CAD officer vouches for June. June helps Oliver overcome bullying at his station, while they search for her missing bag. With the help of McCann, Hollis, and some Stafford Row officers, the cab driver is found and arrested.