Episode 1
A jewelry shop owner undergoes open-heart surgery after being shot during a robbery.
Episode 2
A Woman is attacked by mountain lion. A difficult lady has abdominal problems.
Episode 3
Dr. Keller thinks a boy struck by a baseball bat has a concussion, but a CT scan reveals massive brain bleeding, and he suffers kidney failure.
Episode 4
An 11-year-old girl has streptococcal pneumonia, which has a high fatality rate.
Episode 5
A 7-year-old boy undergoes surgery to reattach his left arm after it was severed in a truck accident.
Episode 6
The force of a tornado drove a fence picket through Julie's neck.
Episode 7
A teenager rushes to the ER after a football game.
Episode 8
A skier hits a tree at 50 mph.
Episode 9
A stack of drywall collapses on a young boy.
Episode 10
A six-year-old girl is Rushed to the ER with intermittent Seizures.
Episode 11
A crazed gunman storms a large metropolitan hospital and opens fire in the ER.
Episode 12
A car accident ejects a young boy from a vehicle.
Episode 13
A team of doctors tries to save a patrol officer's life.
Episode 14
A rattlesnake bites the 2-year-old son of a snakebite expert.
Episode 15
A 4lb steel hook impales the skull of construction worker.
Episode 16
A ruptured brain aneurysm threatens to kill the ER's medical director.
Episode 17
A mugging victim arrives with two bullet wounds to the brain.
Episode 18
Follow the case of a boy with an oxygen deficiency and bizarre brown blood.