Episode 1

60 Mins

Are You Cheating With My Sister? Test Them Both!

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Episode 2

60 Mins

I Slept With 4 Men...Is My Husband My Baby's Dad?

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Episode 3

60 Mins

I'm Sorry...I Cheated With 2 Decoys and Your Sister!

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Episode 4

60 Mins

DNA Will Prove the Sex Was Too Short to Make a Baby

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Episode 5

60 Mins

I'm 27...Is My Young Teen Boyfriend Cheating on Me?

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Episode 6

60 Mins

I Don't Want to Meet Your Baby...I'm Not His Dad!

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Episode 7

60 Mins

I'm Only 16...Am I Her Baby's Dad?

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Episode 8

60 Mins

Family Sex Secrets...Did My Sister Have My Husband's Baby?

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Episode 9

60 Mins

Beware! Hidden Dangers Caught on Tape!

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Episode 10

60 Mins

Did You Cheat and Have a Baby With Our Neighbor?

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Episode 11

60 Mins

Yes, I'll Marry You...If You Pass the Lie-Detector Test!

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Episode 12

60 Mins

I Slept With Your Fiancé...Your Baby Belongs to Me!

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Episode 13

60 Mins

You Texted Nude Photos...I'll Prove You're Cheating!

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Episode 14

60 Mins

A Psychic Told Me...My Son Is Not Your Baby's Father!

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Episode 15

60 Mins

I Was Bullied and Beat...Now I'm Hot Sexy and Sweet!

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Episode 16

60 Mins

Stop Lying to Your Wife...Both of My Kids Are Yours!

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Episode 17

60 Mins

Who's Lying...My Fiancé or the Prostitute? Take the Test!

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Episode 18

60 Mins

Maury's Facebook Fan Updates!

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Episode 19

60 Mins

Who's Your Baby's Dad...Me or My Cousin Billy?

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Episode 20

60 Mins

Family Secrets...I'm Helping My Son Cheat on His Wife!

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Episode 21

60 Mins

Ten Seconds of Sex Does Not Make Me Your Baby's Dad!

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Episode 22

60 Mins

Is My Cousin My Baby's Real Father?

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Episode 23

60 Mins

My Fiancé Is a Cab Driver...Is He Giving Free Rides for Sex?

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Episode 24

60 Mins

You Cheated on Me With My Dad...Is He Our Baby's Father?

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Episode 25

60 Mins

I'm Only 17...Did My Boyfriend Sleep With My Mom?

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Episode 26

60 Mins

You Cheated and Had a Threesome...That Baby Isn't Mine!

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Episode 27

60 Mins

Did My Fiancé Betray Me by Sleeping With My Best Friend?

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Episode 28

60 Mins

My Sister Sleeps Around...Give Your Baby a DNA Test!

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Episode 29

60 Mins

Is Your Child in Danger? Shocking Hidden Videos!

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Episode 61

60 Mins

I'm 58: Is My 28-Year-Old Boyfriend Cheating With My Daughter

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Episode 62

60 Mins

Go Test the Other 5 Men ... I'm Not Your Baby's Dad!

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Episode 63

60 Mins

DNA Will Prove My Sister's Husband Is Not My Baby's Dad!

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Episode 64

60 Mins

Did My Husband Cheat and Have 2 Kids With His Mistress?

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Episode 84

60 Mins

You're a Home Wrecker...That's Not My Husband's Baby!

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