1. Doc McStuffins Goes McMobile
2. Chip Off the Ol' Box
3. Awesome Guy's Awesome Arm
4. Lamb in a Jam
5. Diagnosis Not Even Close-Is
6. Bronty's Twisted Tail
7. Frida Fairy Flies Again
8. A Tale of Two Dragons
9. Think Pink
10. You Foose, You Lose
11. Leilani's Luau
12. Karate Kangaroos
13. Doc to the Rescue
14. Don't Knock the Noggin
15. Disco Dress Up Daisy
16. The Glider Brothers
17. Kirby and the King
18. Bubble Monkey, Blow Your Nose!
19. Professor Pancake
20. You Crack Me Up
21. A Very McStuffins Christmas
22. The Doctor Will See You Now
23. L'il Egghead Feels the Heat
24. The Big Sleepover
25. No Sweetah Cheetah
26. Big Head Hallie
27. Peaches Pie, Take a Bath!
28. Celestial Celeste
29. Run Doc Run!
30. A Fairy Big Knot
31. Rosie the Rescuer
32. Crikey! It's Wildlife Will
33. Rootin' Tootin' Southwest Sal
34. Take Your Doc To Work Day
35. Blazer's Bike
36. The Big Storm
37. Spritzy Mitzi
38. Dad's Favorite Toy
39. Chilly and the Dude
40. Serpent Sam Makes a Splash
41. Sir Kirby and the Plucky Princess
42. The Wicked King and the Mean Queen
43. Take a Stroll!
44. Ooey Gablooey Springs a Leak
45. There's a King in Your Tummy!
46. Doc's Busy Day
47. Wrong Side of the Law
48. Mirror, Mirror on My Penguin
49. Hide and Eek!
50. McStuffins School of Medicine
51. The Super Amazing Ultra Hoppers
52. Let the Nightingale Sing
53. Hazel Has a Sleepover
54. My Breakfast with Bronty
55. Training Army Al
56. Sproingo Boingo Takes the Leap
57. Shell Shy
58. Commander No
59. The Flimsy Grumpy Bat
60. Rockstar Ruby and the Toys
61. A Day Without Cuddles!
62. Collide-O-Scope
63. Crash Course
64. Luna on the Moon-a
65. Fully in Focus
66. Picky Nikki
67. Getting to the Heart of Things
68. Toy in the Sun
69. Three Goats A' Cuddlin'
70. Swimmer's Belly
71. Fetchin' Findo
72. Twin Tweaks
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