Episode 1

45 Mins

Umar ibn Al-Khattab

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Episode 2

45 Mins

Islam begins

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Episode 3

45 Mins

Muhammad's Message & Abu Lahab

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Episode 4

45 Mins

Family Affairs, Torture and Boycott Muslims

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Episode 5

45 Mins

Persecution of Muslims by the Meccans

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Episode 6

45 Mins

Bilal ibn Rabah Gains Freedom and Embraces Islam

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Episode 7

45 Mins

Migration to Abyssinia

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Episode 8

45 Mins

Umar Embraces Islam, First Sermon

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Episode 9

45 Mins

Boycott against Muslims

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Episode 10

45 Mins

Hijrah to Yathrib, Medina, Building Al-Masjid an-Nabawi

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Episode 11

45 Mins

Battle of Badr, Death of Abu Jahl

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Episode 12

45 Mins

Quraish Plan for the Second Battle Against Muslims

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Episode 13

45 Mins

Battle of Uhud, Digging the Trench

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Episode 14

45 Mins

Battle of Khandaq, Treaty of Hudaibiyah

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Episode 15

45 Mins

The Year of Delegations, First Hajj

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Episode 16

45 Mins

Khalid ibn Al-Walid Embrace Islam, Conquest of Mecca

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Episode 17

45 Mins

Abu Sufyan Embrace Islam, Death of Muhammad PBUH

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Episode 18

45 Mins

Abu Bakr Becomes the First Caliph

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Episode 19

45 Mins

Rise of Sajah, Ridda Wars

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Episode 20

45 Mins

Battle of Yamama Against Musaylimah

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Episode 21

45 Mins

Muslim Conquest of Persia

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Episode 22

45 Mins

Death of Abu Bakr, Umar Becomes Caliph, Battle of Yarmouk

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Episode 23

45 Mins

Battle of Yarmouk Against Theodore Trithyrius

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Episode 24

45 Mins

Muslim Conquest of the Levant

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Episode 25

45 Mins

Umar and his subjects

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Episode 26

45 Mins

Siege of Damascus

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Episode 27

45 Mins

Battle of al-Qadisiyyah Against Sassanids

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Episode 28

45 Mins

Siege of Jerusalem

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Episode 29

45 Mins

Famine Year

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Episode 30

45 Mins

Plague, Conquest of Egypt, Death of Omar Ibn Khattab

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Episode 31

45 Mins

Episode 31

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