Episode 1
Bo is searching for a hobby she can be good at, but she is prone to quitting nearly everything she tries. However, after meeting the handsome Archwin at an archery range she thinks she may have found something to keep her interested.
Episode 2
The first competition at the archery range arrives. Mooham's special attention to Fame proves to be a distraction to Archwin.
Episode 3
When Fame's father joins Bo and Shan at the archery range he quickly notices Shan's natural talent at the sport and extends an invitation for him to join his team.
Episode 4
Bo and Shan attend their first Thai Indoor Cup archery competition. The stress of the day lands heavy on the whole team, including Archwin and Fame.
Episode 5
Bo sets a goal with Archwin to make the national archery team. Fame opens up to Shan about her "target panic".
Episode 6
Bo, Archwin, and Shan rush to Japan to help Fame recover from her target panic, although she is determined to face this obstacle on her own.
Episode 7
An emotional incident leaves Bo and Shan unsure if they can continue on the archery team.
Episode 8
The Arrow Fellow Team competes at the outdoor archery competition where Archwin and Fame hope to qualify for the national team.