Episode 1

25 Mins

Bouvines, France in danger

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Episode 2

25 Mins

Genghis Khan: The Empire of the Steppes

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Episode 3

25 Mins

Alexander Becomes Great

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Episode 4

25 Mins

Sekigahara, the battle of Samurai

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Episode 5

25 Mins

Darwin discovering the world

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Episode 6

25 Mins

Chernobyl, a reactor out of control

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Episode 7

25 Mins

A bus for Martin Luther King

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Episode 8

25 Mins

Confucius and Chinese thought

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Episode 9

25 Mins

Andrinople, Rome vs Barbarians

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Episode 10

25 Mins

Einstein and the Manhattan Project

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Episode 11

25 Mins

Rock, freedom and decibels

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Episode 12

25 Mins

Space Conquest, a little trip to the moon

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Episode 13

25 Mins

The Internet, the origins of the web

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