Episode 1
With a new apartment and a collection of weapons, Retsuko moves forward after her attack, but her relationship with Haida remains at a standstill.
Episode 2
Haida helps the company president to the hospital after avoiding Retsuko. Changes come to the office when Himuro is chosen as the company new lead.
Episode 3
Retsuko and Haida's relationship worsens, and Fenneko panics. Himuro orders Ton to lay off several workers to save costs, but Ton refuses.
Episode 4
Retsuko and Fenneko blab to Himuro about Ton's past work harassment during a night of drinking. Retsuko tells Haida she only wants to be friends.
Episode 5
Ton despairs about his demotion while Yagyu becomes the new director. Haida gains a confidence boost after Retsuko reaches out to him.
Episode 6
Ton resigns without telling his family. Yagyu nags Kabae after she leaves early to care for her son. Retsuko and her friends worry about more changes.
Episode 7
Himuro praises Haida's work; Retsuko learns about Ton's new job. Feeling guilty, she tries to talk to Haida, but he's too busy doing Himuro's bidding.
Episode 8
Encouraged by Tadano, Retsuko tries to get Ton to manage her Death-Voice channel. Haida accepts a nefarious task from Himuro.
Episode 9
Retsuko uncovers Haida's actions after he gets his own office and seeks advice from Ton. Finally, Retsuko decides to confront Haida.
Episode 10
Retsuko's friends join up to gather evidence of fraud. After Haida admits his involvement and Retsuko berates him, he makes one last critical decision.